Hanal Pixan Festival of Animas, Culture & Gastronomy

October 27th 6:30pm Hanal Pixan Festival of Animas Night with Film Director Miguel Ventura: Gastronomy, Film and Culture

Wednesday, October 27th 6:30pm MID CityBeat, Teya Viva Restaurant and Cine Janal are hosting a night of culture, gastronomy and film to celebrate Hanal Pixan Festival of Animas. 

In a non-pandemic year, Hanal Pixan (Day of the Dead Celebration in Maya meaning “food for the souls”) is commemorated in various ways both privately and in public with dances, alter decorations, and the large parade called Paseo de Animas, a procession where people dressed as skeletons or souls walk in a procession with candles from the cemetery to the church in La Ermita. It is a beautiful time of year to celebrate the culture and honor our loved ones who have passed on. This year some of the activities are back check here for details: however, there are still many limitations on large gatherings. 

So as a way to bring people together to learn about this holiday in a covid safer environment, we have planned the following event:

Night with Film Director Miguel Ventura
Gastronomy, Film and Culture
October 27th 6:30pm
MID CityBeat and Teya -Gastronomía Yucateca Viva are excited to present an evening with celebrated Yucatecan screenwriter, director and creator of Cine Janal Miguel Ventura. Ventura is an incredible talent in Yucatan and winner of the prize Estudio 5 de Mayo in the prestigious 2010 Morelia International Film Festival.
You will get the opportunity to listen to Miguel speak about his films as well as answer any questions you may have. The event is completely bilingual. We will watch the film (each one about 20 minutes) and then after each short Teya Viva will serve the guests the Yucatecan dishes that you saw and learned about in the short.
In total there will be four courses served.
This will be a night not to miss!
Place: Teya Viva Restaurant at Paseo 60
limited space!
Price: $850 or $1050 with wine pairing
This evening includes a night of culture, film and gastronomy. You will get a deeper understanding about the rich culture in Yucatan during this time of Hanal Pixan.
The Culinary Experience Includes:
First film: Huevos con Chaya
First course: Empanada de chaya and queso de bola
Second film: Relleno negro
Second course: Relleno negro with wine pairing
Third film: El Pib
Third course: Chicken and pork Pib with wine pairing
Dessert: Flan o dulce de papaya with wine pairing
Includes 2 fresh juices y welcome cocktail
**IF a vegetarian please let us know ahead of time here so we can arrange a vegetarian option. You can message us here:
For Tickets: Teya Viva Restaurant at Paseo 60
Or via Transfer or Pay in Oxxo
Banco MultiEmpresarial Activa (MULTIVA)
No de Cuenta/Account #: 00007682937
No. de CLABE: 132180000076829375

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