Health Itinerary: Excellent Service For Foreigners Needing Medical Care

Health Itinerary medical service comes highly recommended by many foreigners living in Yucatan. They have guided many people through the healthcare system here and provide high quality customer service! 

They are a service that will help you maneuver the medical world here by providing services such as: 

  • Translation services, medical companion and transfer services 
  • General practitioner check up included in membership 
  • IMSS Registration and renewal services: We guide with IMSS renewal and registration.
  • Emergency Assistance Line: 24/7 phone line with an english speaking operator
  • Free consultations with our Healthitinerary doctors through all the year (Office hours 9:00 hrs to 18:00 hrs, Monday through Friday. For Free).
  • Amexcare Assessment: A free option to find out if American insurances could be effective in México.
  • Guidance and trusted doctors in case specialists are needed
  • Many discounts in medical facilities and services around town
  • Free teeth cleaning and whitening at The Happy Tooth 

And much more!


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