The city of Merida’s Directorate of Economic Development and Tourism has rolled out The Mérida Seal: Sustainable Gastronomic Space is a distinction awarded to establishments with good practices in the following areas:
All of these practices are aligned with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals of the city and the following 10 restaurants emerged as the winners!
Catrín Restaurant
What did they do?
Art: They have a large mural created by Yucatecan hands, which is frequently updated. Recycling: Materials such as cardboard, glass, cans, and PET are recycled by the staff
La Chaya Maya Restaurant (branch 55)
What did they do?
Art: Typical decoration created by local artists Food: preservation of traditional cuisine Environment: participation in programs like Adopt a Tree
La Chaya Maya Restaurant (branch 62)
What did they do?
Culture: Vibrant promotion of Yucatecan culture Environment: participation in preservation programs such as “Adopt a Tree.”
3 Los Trompos Restaurants
What did they do?
Sustainability: They have a commercial company and a farm where they produce both their napkins, glasses, etc., as well as the food supplies for the restaurants. Art: There is a mural created by a local artist.
Micaela Mar y Leña Restaurant
What did they do?
Sustainability: they have joined a composting program and other programs such as Herencia Verde and Pide tu huacal.
Napa at the Courtyard Hotel
What did they do?
Environment: Delivery of organic waste to a company that uses black soldier fly larvae to produce products.
La Tratto Restaurant Santa Lucía
What did they do?
Art: Decoration centered around the production of pasta tiles. They also have a gallery (with sale options) of local artists.
Yerba Santa Restaurant
What did they do?
Culture: Conservation of a traditional mansion from the era Sustainability:Waste such as oil is sent to a company that produces biofuel.