Saturday Morning the Streets of Merida During Covid19
I decided to take a walk to the Slow Food Yucatán this morning and see what protocols they are following so I can share with MID City followers.
Little by little we will be getting out more and more and recommending places we not only deem as having quality products and services, but also who are following the health protocols and respecting both sanitary measures and the consumer. I know all consumers who follow MID CityBeat appreciate it when businesses take into consideration our safety first!
Unfortunately, I have seen many businesses go under during this time; however, as is life and human nature, we are adapting to change. Some businesses continue to try their hardest to reinvent themselves and be creative with new products and services.
Marcos’ Sabor a Fruta has moved into the spot where Pistache used to be. He sells the best fresh juice in this area plus has a small menu for breakfast and lunch. He also has tamales on Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
6am-3pm Sunday to Wed
6am-9pm Thursday, Friday & Saturday
He’ll even deliver if you live in the area.
He’s on Paseo de Montejo & 39
☎️ 999 130 3113

Then I headed to Slow Food Yucatán
Location: Reforma & Colon
Open Saturdays 9-1pm
Also delivering all week. They are following strict protocols and I felt very safe.
In that plaza where Slow Food is
Estación 72 is open for breakfast and lunch and great coffees for dine in during the week and pickup or deliver on weekends. They have also opened a bakery next door.
☎️ 518 2372 or 999 251 3050
Los Platos Rotos is also still open for info check their Facebook page.
Café Orgánico Mérida is also open again for info check Facebook page.
All in all it was a nice walk and we continue to try to stay safe, support the economy and ourselves!